Friday 26 March 2021

Easter treat holder


I came across this carrot treat box tutorial on YouTube, it was in German here is the link to that tutorial,

You can check out my version on my Facebook live that I did today, 26/03/2021, here is the link, details of how I made this treat holder are below.

  1. Die cut 4 triangles using the stitched triangles dies.
  2. I used Cajun craze ink and a stamp image from the HIGH TIDE stamp set, to make markings on the carrot.
  3. Cut 4 hinges about 4 1/2 x 3/4, scored in half.
  4. Apply glue to the hinges and glue each triangle, below are pictures of steps 1 to 3

  5. Do not glue the last edge, fold the ribbon in half and place it in the middle, then glue the last edge to close the triangle, below is a picture. If there is too much bulk at the tip, just cut the extra off.

  6.  For the lid, you will need Old Olive cardstock 4 5/8 x 4 5/8, score 1/2 twice on all 4 sides, as shown in the picture below. 

  7. Mark the centre on the lid, and make a hole using a punch, if you have one, I didn't, I just used my scissors.

  8. I used a sponge dauber and sponged the edges with Old Olive ink. ( I didn't do that on my FB live)
  9. Apply glue to the tabs, then apply glue to the outer edge and fold over, this strengthens the lid.
  10. Take a scrap piece of Old Olive cardstock approximately 2 x 2 and cut a fringe, this is for the top of the carrot, you can make it as tall or as thick as you want it. Use a bone folder to break the fibres and it automatically curls in, place the loop end of the ribbon from the 

    edge of the fringe, (as shown above) and now roll from one edge till you come to the end, apply glue to hold it together. 
  11. Hold the fringe tightly together along with the ribbon and feed through the hole of the lid, this can be tricky, once the fringe is on the top of the lid, open out the fringe, and they you have an Easter treat holder.
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  1. This is such a sweet treat box Fiona, thank you so much for sharing the measurements and instructions - and carrots are healthy too right? Hehehe! Love it xoxo

    1. Thank You, I've just seen your message, I guess better late than never, thank you for stopping by.
