Wednesday 25 March 2020

Ornate Garden Bundle

So with Covid19 taking over our lives and we're in shutdown and all news reports indicating how the virus is spreading and cases increasing day by day all we can do is practice social distancing and limit socialising and make sure we do the right thing by all sending love and prayers to all that have been affected. In all this doom and gloom hope we can find something to distract us. I've been working from home and quite enjoying the fact I don't have to drive anywhere, apart from that, in my spare time I have been crafting, it is my go to and my happy place, so what have you been doing.

I made a lot of cards using the Ornate garden bundle, here is one of them that didn't make it to a mega tutorial that I took part in, more exciting information to come.
thank you for stopping by, take care and stay safe

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